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  1. On top of the fifteen subjects in the core curriculum, the remaining sixteen subjects are spread over the 4 Senior High School (SHS) tracks: 1) Academic, 2) Arts and Design, 3) Sports, and 4) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood. Students are expected to enroll in the track of their choice.

  2. Jul 16, 2023 · As of 2023, there are four tracks in senior high school, namely: academic track, technical-vocational-livelihood track, arts, and design track, and lastly, sports track. Let us first discuss the Academic Track.

  3. The added two-year Senior High Track aims to equip you with knowledge and skills that will help you prepare better for your chosen path -- be it higher education, employment, or entrepreneurship. Senior High School (SHS) is the last two years of the K to 12 program that includes Grades 11 and 12.

  4. Feb 6, 2018 · The K-12 Senior High School (SHS) Program is composed of five different tracks which are Academic, Arts and Design, Sports, Technical, and Vocational. These tracks prepare students for college, universities, or even real workplaces by providing them with the necessary skills they must possess.

  5. There are four strands in the academic track: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand, Science, Technology, Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS), Strand Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand, and General Academic Strand (GAS) Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand.

  6. Find the ideal senior high school track that fits your personality and skills. Read helpful tips to help you pick one to bring out your full potential.

  7. Divided into degree-specific courses, the Academic track in senior high school aims to prepare students to more advanced university courses. Under this umbrella are four strands.

  8. Wondering if the Academic is the right Senior High School track for you? Learn more about the subjects, courses you can take after, and schools that offer this track.

  9. K to 12 ›. Senior High School Applied Track Subjects. English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Practical Research 1. Practical Research 2. Filipino sa Piling Larang. Akademik. Isports. Sining.

  10. List of DepEd Senior High School (SHS) Tracks and Strands. Mark Anthony Llego, hailing from the Philippines, has made a profound impact on the teaching profession by enabling thousands of teachers nationwide to access crucial information and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas.

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