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  1. Krirk University is one of the most reputable universities in Thailand. It was founded in 1952 by Dr. Krirk Mangkhlaphrik and has been promoting higher education in the country since 1970. At first, it used the Ratchadamnoen Buidling.

  2. Krirk University develops strong connections with institutional partnerships all over the world. More than three hundred institutional Partnerships have signed MoUs with Krirk University for exchanging students and academics.

  3. Krirk University is one of the most highly-reputed universities in Thailand and was founded in 1952 by Dr. Krirk Mangkhlaphrik. It has been promoting higher education since 1970 and was upgraded to university status in 1995.

  4. At the International College of Krirk University, we are dedicated to fostering our student’s academic excellence and holistic development. Recognizing the critical importance of English proficiency in facilitating this, we have outlined the following standards:

  5. Krirk University offers bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctoral degrees in Thai, Chinese and English. The University is also a regional leader in Chinese language education and in promoting Chinese culture.

  6. Krirk University is a private university located in Bang Khen District, Bangkok, Thailand. It was founded in 1952 as the Languages and Professions School, and is named after its founder, Dr. Krirk Mangkhlaphrik.

  7. 泰国格乐大学 (krirk university)是中泰高等教育学历学位互认协定院校由享誉海内外的著名教育家格乐曼格拉布克博士创立于1952年是一所立足泰国辐射中国-东盟具有本硕博学位授予权以科学研究工作为主导以培育应用型高级人才为特色的综合性高等学府。 泰国格乐大学是泰国百家华校总部研学基地,是泰国学生学习中文首选高校,中国教育主管部门授权的汉语等级HSK考试考点,并与中国教育主管部门的中文联盟平台合作开设了泰国首家网络中文课堂。 格乐大学建校以来为东盟地区培养了大批优秀毕业生,现任泰国内阁成员中就有多位部长级领导毕业于格乐大学。 2019年3月,柬埔寨首相洪森先生获得泰国格乐大学颁发的政治学荣誉博士学位。

  8. Mar 25, 2023 · QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 has announced its ranking of Krirk University at 149 in the 2023 QS Top Asian Universities list of 150 top tier universities which include only 39...

  9. Nov 11, 2022 · Krirk University is the only private university ranked in the top 150 in QS Asia University Rankings 2023, 34th in Southeast Asia, and 5th in Thailand.

  10. Krirk University is one of the most reputable universities in Thailand. It was founded in 1952 by Dr. Krirk Mangkhlaphrik and has been promoting higher education in the country since 1970. At first, it used the Ratchadamnoen Buidling. Krirk was upgraded to university status in 1995.