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  1. House rules. Agree to arrive on time for the beginning of each day and every after lunch and coffee break. Respect each other’s view: Let’s agree to listen to other person’s full opinions or ideas and not react immediately; Agree to switch off mobile phones while session is on going. Contact: The Chair Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

  2. This document outlines expectations and guidelines for a seminar or training, including being on time, signing an attendance sheet daily, respecting differences by listening and asking clarifying questions, participating enthusiastically as a team player in activities like dancing and singing, keeping phones silent during sessions, being open ...

  3. Apr 13, 2024 · House rules for an event require arriving on time, silencing all gadgets when the program starts, listening respectfully to speakers, keeping the hall clean, cooperating in activities, and being active and attentive participants.

  4. Jul 8, 2024 · Seminar House Rules. Be attentive and participate fully! Texting is cool BUT not during the session, kindly switch off your phone or put it to silent mode. BE ON TIME, Let us Value TIME! the so called "FILIPINO TIME" is a NO! NO! RESPECT the speaker. and your. co-participants.

  5. Jul 8, 2024 · HOUSE RULES. DOUBLE CHECKING TRAINING KIT CONTENTS. PUNCTUALITY. NO DISTURBANCES. We also encourage to use the comfort room before the training starts or during break to avoid distraction. You can use the CR at the back of this hall.

  6. The document outlines 7 rules for participants to follow during a training session: 1) silence all gadgets, 2) listen respectfully and participate fully, 3) arrive on time and sign in and out, 4) use the comfort room only during breaks to avoid distraction, 5) maintain attentiveness and complete all worksheets, 6) keep the room clean, and 7 ...

  7. HOUSE. Everyone must be on time throughout the Seminar/training. Punctuality • Being on time shows you are determined to pass the examination • Arriving late is a sign of disrespect to the trainer and to your fellow participants. Sign the attendance sheet daily.

  8. The document outlines the rules for participants of an orientation session at Suawan High School. It details 8 rules: 1) be punctual, 2) fully complete attendance, 3) no disturbances from cellphones or side conversations, 4) actively participate by sharing experiences, 5) ask relevant questions, 6) give honest feedback at the end, 7) respect ...

  9. Leave your cell phone on vibrate or off and in your pocket or handbag. Participate; ask questions, speak so everyone in the room can hear you. Take notes. Return to your workplace prepared to discuss what was covered. Provide feedback on your evaluation about how the training experience was for you.

  10. Training House Rules RULE N°1 Punctuality Arrive on time to each training session Sign in and out on the attendance sheet per session Arriving late is a sign of disrespect to the trainer and to your follow participants. rULE N°2 NO DISTURBANCES Cellphones should be turned off or at