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  1. www.paulallen.comPaul Allen

    Paul Allen lived a life motivated by a love of ideas and the urge to put them into motion. His philanthropic contributions of more than $2.65 billion during his life have helped save endangered species, deepened our understanding of bioscience, shared art and music, developed new technologies, tackled epidemics, and explored the ocean floor.

  2. Paul Allen’s Life and Legacy. Paul’s philanthropic contributions of more than $2.65 billion during his life have helped save endangered species, deepen our understanding of climate science, improve ocean health, develop new technologies, create museums, tackle epidemics, research how the human brain works, and invest in sustainable communities.

  3. Jul 17, 2024 · Paul Allen was an American industrialist, investor, musician, sports team owner, and philanthropist who had a net worth of $20 billion at the time of his death on October 15, 2018.

  4. Oct 15, 2018 · Paul Gardner Allen was born in Seattle on Jan. 21, 1953, to Kenneth and Edna (Faye) Allen. His father was a librarian; his mother a schoolteacher. He is survived by his sister, Jody Allen.

  5. Paul Gardner Allen (21. ledna 1953 – 15. října 2018) byl americký podnikatel, který založil Microsoft spolu s Billem Gatesem. Pravidelně se umísťoval na seznamu nejbohatších lidí světa. Naposledy ( 2007 ) byl časopisem Forbes označen za pátého nejbohatšího Američana, [2] hodnota jeho majetku byla odhadována na 18 miliard amerických dolarů.

  6. Nov 26, 2019 · Paul Allen intended to give away the majority of the $20 billion-plus fortune he accumulated as Microsoft co-founder, technology investor, real estate magnate and NFL and NBA team owner.

  7. En 1988, Paul Allen fonde avec sa sœur, Jody Allen (en), la fondation Paul G. Allen Family Foundation [19]. En 2006, il crée la fondation Paul G. Allen Family Foundation à qui il va léguer 100 millions de dollars. Cette fondation a pour mission d'aider des projets dans le domaine de l'art, de la culture, de l'éducation et du social.

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