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  1. Giancarlo Canavesio Page - Giancarlo grew up in Jakarta, Brussels, Athens and Rome. He was an investment banker in London for 10 years, then a successful entrepreneur in financial risk management and European real estate for another 10 years, most notably as founder and CEO of Mangusta Risk. Then, one day a friend ask to shoot some ...

  2. Giancarlo Canavesio is a neo-culture entrepreneur involved in regenerative content with the online channel Mangu.TV, in regenerative hospitality with the seasonal residence and in regenerative farming with A former investment banker, he produced award-winning documentaries like “Neurons to Nirvana” about Psychedelic Science and mystical experiences, “2012 ...

  3. Giancarlo Canavesio (born November 26, 1968) is an Italian film producer, Film Premiere Events organizer, investment banker, and entrepreneur. He is best known as founder and CEO of Mangusta Risk, Mangusta Productions and Mangurama. He has produced several award-winning feature films including The Living Wake, FIX, Being in the World ...

  4. The struggles of families who treat their cancer-stricken children with marijuana, sometimes achieving astonishing results. Director Abby Epstein Producer Giancarlo Canavesio, Sol Tryon ...

  5. Oct 9, 2012 · This is the most profound conversation by many scholars and artists from around the world. Based on the philosopher Heidegger's writings about the deep nature of being human, they absolutely nail the challenge of our moment in time and human evolution, Now, as we head into the first quarter 21st century mark.

  6. Giancarlo Canavesio. Producer; Executive Producer; Available to Watch. STARLET. SEAN BAKER United States, 2012. Before shooting Tangerine on an iPhone 5, writer ...

  7. Author: Jennifer Bleyer MAPS Bulletin Winter 2016: Vol. 26, No. 3 – Annual Report Download this article. Giancarlo Canavesio Giancarlo Canavesio helped inform tens of thousands of people about the therapeutic effects of psychedelics through the 2013 documentary film Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicine, which he co-produced. The film was just one part of… Continue reading ...