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  1. IMMORTALE DEI. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII. ON THE CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTION OF STATES. To Our Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ordinaries in Peace and. Communion with the Apostolic See. The Catholic Church, that imperishable handiwork of our all-merciful God, has for her immediate and natural purpose ...

  2. Leo XIII served as pope from 1878 to 1903. Leo XIII, orig. Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci, (born March 2, 1810, Carpineto Romano, Papal States—died July 20, 1903, Rome), Pope (1878–1903). Born into the Italian nobility, he was ordained a priest in 1837 and entered the diplomatic service of the Papal States. He was appointed bishop of Perugia in ...

  3. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON THE ROSARY . To Our Venerable Brethren the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Ordinaries in Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See. The mightiest helper of the Christian people, and the most merciful, is the Virgin Mother of God.

  4. LEO XIII, Pope-Beloved Son, Health and Apostolic Blessing: We send to you by this letter a renewed expression of that good will which we have not failed during the course of our pontificate to manifest frequently to you and to your colleagues in the episcopate and to the whole American people, availing ourselves of every opportunity offered us by the progress of your church or whatever you ...

  5. QUARTO ABEUNTE SAECULO. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON. THE COLUMBUS QUADRICENTENNIAL. Bishops of Spain, Italy, and the two Americas. Now that four centuries have sped since a Ligurian first, under God's guidance, touched shores unknown beyond the Atlantic, the whole world is eager to celebrate the memory of the event, and glorify its author.

  6. Oct 12, 2017 · Pope Leo XIII is the longest lived pope in Church history, dying at 93. A brilliant writer, poet, and theologian, he established the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome in 1879 (now known as the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, or the Angelicum). He was passionate about hunting and viniculture, and was […]

  7. IN PLURIMIS. ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON THE. ABOLITION OF SLAVERY. To the Bishops of Brazil. Amid the many and great demonstrations of affection which from almost all the peoples of the earth have come to Us, and are still coming to Us, in congratulation upon the happy attainment of the fiftieth anniversary of Our priesthood, there is one ...

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