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  1. Embark on a journey of luxury and adventure aboard our exquisite yachts on the Ottawa River. We offer Private Charters for groups up to 24, unforgettable Dine & Yacht adventures for groups up to 48, and public Afternoon or Sunset Cruises every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Discover the breathtaking beauty of Ottawa-Gatineau from a new perspective. Book now and elevate your senses with us.

  2. Jul 1, 2011 · After a quarter of a century, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, often recognized as a foundational document of health promotion, continues to be relevant for public health. Inspired by the WHO Constitution, the Alma Ata Declaration, and the Lalonde ...

  3. Dec 1, 1986 · Abstract. The first International Conference on Health Promotion, meeting in Ottawa this 21st day of November 1986, hereby presents this CHARTER for action to achieve Health For All by the year 2000 and beyond.

  4. Charter adopted at an International Conference on Health Promotion, 17-21 November 1986, Ottawa, Canada, co-sponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association, Health and Welfare Canada and the World Health Organization

  5. Abstract First International Conference on Health Promotion, Ottawa, Canada, 17–21 November 1986

  6. Quiz your students on Ottawa Charter practice problems using our fun classroom quiz game Quizalize and personalize your teaching.

  7. Mar 31, 2016 · The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (see Introductory Works) is widely regarded as the visionary gospel for the international health promotion movement. Agreed upon and published at the First International Conference on Health Promotion (Ottawa, 17–21 November 1986), it codified and amalgamated a number of changes in health perspectives that started to emerge in the 1960s and 1970s.

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