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  1. What is the Ottawa charter for health promotion and why is it important for global health? Read this article from the World Health Organization's magazine to learn about the principles, strategies and actions that aim to enable people to increase control over and improve their health.

  2. Health promotion is a practical approach to achieving greater equity in health. The five strategies set out in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion are essential for success: build healthy public policy; create supportive environments; strengthen community action; develop personal skills; reorient health services. There is now clear evidence ...

  3. Apr 20, 2016 · It is based on the World Health Organisation's 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and its five action areas ; and syntheses of evidence of effectiveness, which indicate a correlation between adoption of the Charter's framework of action areas and programme effectiveness (Jackson et al., 2006; Wise and Nutbeam, 2007).

  4. The Healthy Cities programme is the best-known example of a successful Healthy Settings approach. Initiated by WHO in 1986, Healthy Cities have spread rapidly across the world.A Healthy City aims to:create a health-supportive environment,achieve a good quality of life,provide basic sanitation and hygiene needs,supply access to health care.Being a Healthy City depends not only on health ...

  5. An international document that builds on the Ottawa Charter is the Bangkok Charter for Health Promotion in a Globalised World developed in Bangkok on 11 August 2005.. The Bangkok Charter identifies actions, commitments and pledges required to address the determinants of health in a globalised world through health promotion.

  6. Charter adopted at an International Conference on Health Promotion, 17-21 November 1986, Ottawa, Canada, co-sponsored by the Canadian Public Health Association, Health and Welfare Canada and the World Health Organization

  7. The unit of enhanced well-being (WEL) deals with the areas of good governance for health and wellbeing including healthy cities and health promoting schools, health literacy and community engagement based on the Ottawa charter, the subsequent Declarations of the Global Health Promotion Conferences including the Shanghai Declaration on promoting health in the SDGs.

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