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  1. Series editor: John Belton. Film and Culture publishes a wide range of books that explore the history, aesthetics, industrial practices, and technologies of film from around the world. Books in the series mix archival research with critical readings and approaches to individual films and the works of filmmakers. Columbia University Press. Books.

  2. Qigong Fever. Qigong a regimen of body, breath, and mental training exercises was one of the most widespread cultural and religious movements of late-twentieth-century urban China. The practice was promoted by senior Communist Party leaders as a uniquely Chinese healing tradition and as a harbinger of a new scientific revolution, yet the ...

  3. Investor and Entrepreneur. Warren Buffett is perhaps the most accomplished investor of all time. The CEO and chair of Berkshire Hathaway has earned admiration for not only his financial feats but also the philosophy behind them. Todd A. Finkle provides striking new insights into Buffett’s career through the lens of entrepreneurship.

  4. No Limits brings together creative thinkers who delight in the pleasure of intellectual hunting, wherever the hunt may take them and whatever critical boundaries they have to trample as they go. And in so doing they prove that such searching is not just rewarding but also transformative. There are no limits to knowledge and self-knowledge ...

  5. Digital Publishing Columbia University Press is committed to making our titles available electronically in many forms and from many vendors. All of our new titles can be purchased as e-books, and we are committed to making our rich backlist of titles available, too. If there is a book you cannot find in an electronic format, […]

  6. In this book, Paul A. Offit, a national expert on vaccines, challenges the modern-day false prophets who have so egregiously misled the public and exposes the opportunism of the lawyers, journalists, celebrities, and politicians who support them. Offit recounts the history of autism research and the exploitation of this tragic condition by ...

  7. In Perplexing Plots, David Bordwell reveals how crime fiction, plays, and films made unconventional narrative mainstream. He shows that since the nineteenth century, detective stories and suspense thrillers have allowed ambitious storytellers to experiment with narrative. Tales of crime and mystery became a training ground where audiences ...