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  1. Lillian Hellman was the most important American follower of Henrik Ibsen after Arthur Miller. Like Ibsen in his middle period, she wrote strong, well-made plays involving significant social issues.

  2. May 16, 2012 · A Difficult Woman: The Challenging Life and Times of Lillian Hellman By Alice Kessler-Harris Bloomsbury Press, 448 pages, $30 I don’t know that I have ever read this good a rescue job. Columbia ...

  3. May 29, 2018 · Lillian Hellman [1] Born: June 20, 1906New Orleans [2], Louisiana [3]Died: June 30, 1984Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts [4] American playwright Lillian Hellman [5], American playwright, wrote a series of powerful, realistic plays that made her one of America's major dramatists.

  4. Lillian Hellman: Playwright. New York: Pegasus, 1972. Good, though dated, overview of the composition, plot, and reception of the plays, films, and adaptations, usefully situated within biographical chapters that maintain a focus on material relevant to Hellman’s career.

  5. Lillian Florence Hellman (20 de junio de 1905, Nueva Orleans - 30 de junio de 1984, Oak Bluffs) fue una dramaturga [1] y guionista de cine estadounidense. Conocida por su compromiso político con causas izquierdistas .

  6. Sep 25, 2019 · Lillian Hellman was an American playwright whose works include The Little Foxes and Toys in the Attic. Oscar White / Getty Images. After spending time in Europe during the rise of Nazism (and, as a Jewish woman, recognizing the anti-Semitism of the Nazis), Hellman and Kober moved to Hollywood, where Kober began writing screenplays for Paramount while Hellman worked as script reader for MGM.

  7. Lillian Florence Hellman, nada en Nova Orleáns o 20 de xuño de 1905 e finada en Oak Bluffs o 30 de xuño de 1984, foi unha dramaturga [1] e guionista de cinema estadounidense. Foi coñecida polo seu compromiso político con causas esquerdistas , pola súa relación sentimental co escritor Dashiell Hammett e pola súa longa amizade coa escritora Dorothy Parker , de quen foi testamenteira .