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  1. The Texas School Book Depository, incorporated 1927, was a privately-owned company charged with fulfilling book orders from schools all over the Southwest. Stock was kept in the basement, first floor and fourth through seventh floors.

  2. Markah bersejarah Texas untuk Texas School Book Depository. Texas School Book Depository (bahasa Indonesia: Gudang Buku Sekolah Texas), sekarang dikenal sebagai Dallas County Administration Building (bahasa Indonesia: Gedung Administrasi County Dallas), adalah gedung bertingkat tujuh yang menghadap ke Dealey Plaza di Dallas, Texas.

  3. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza chronicles the assassination and legacy of President Kennedy. Located in the historic Texas School Book Depository building, the Museum presents the social and political landscape of the early 1960s, chronicles President Kennedy's assassination and its aftermath, reflects upon his lasting impact on our country and world, and connects the past to the ...

  4. Shelley's Key person file contains key insights into the social dynamic of the Texas School Book Depository, Lee Harvey Oswald's character, and the events that transpired at the Texas School Book Depository that day. Bonnie Ray Williams was a black employee of the TSBD, and a co-worker of Lee Harvey Oswald's.

  5. Explore the evidence and theories behind the JFK assassination with LEMMiNO, a creator of high-quality documentaries on various topics.

  6. Texas School Book Depository Building FAQ How old is the building? The original building on the site was built in 1898. That building was destroyed by fire in 1901 after being struck by lightning, and the current building was built on its foundation.

  7. In assassination of John F. Kennedy: The assassination …president’s convertible passed the multistory Texas School Book Depository building. Moments later, at about 12:30 pm, shots rang out.