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  1. Nov 18, 2020 · W hy must Jacques Maritain be defended again? The reputation of the late French convert to the Catholic Church, and representative neo-scholastic philosopher, was fading even before his death. His work, intellectually stimulating and valuable though it is, has become, in our day, largely the preserve of some few Aquinas scholars—and even they honor him more in the spirit than in the letter.

  2. Apr 13, 2024 · Founded in 1977, the American Maritain Association has been an intellectual home for generations of Catholic philosophers and theologians. Carrying forward the Thomistic tradition along the lines which inspired the work of the 20th-century philosopher Jacques Maritain, the Association has held yearly conferences for over forty years and continues to publish texts gathering together the best of ...

  3. May 1, 1984 · The attempt to reconcile Maritain to modernism was almost comically demonstrated in his 1966 visit with the Cistercian monk and social activist Thomas Merton, at the Abbey of Gethsemani, in Kentucky. The late John Howard Griffin has provided an account of this visit in Jacques Maritain: Homage in Words and Pictures (Magi Books, 1974

  4. History of Philosophy Forum. Sponsored by the Jacques Maritain Center, the History of Philosophy Forum is Notre Dame’s hub for research activity in the history of philosophy, drawing scholars across the world to collaborate with our vibrant research community.

  5. Jacques Maritain. Jacques Maritain (Parigi, 18 novembre 1882 – Tolosa, 28 aprile 1973) è stato un filosofo francese, convertitosi al cattolicesimo.. Allievo di Henri Bergson, fu autore di più di sessanta opere ed è generalmente considerato come uno dei massimi esponenti del neotomismo nei primi decenni del XX secolo, nonché uno tra i più grandi pensatori cattolici del secolo.

  6. Jan 13, 2012 · Jacques Maritain, a highly regarded French philosopher, teacher and writer in the 20th century, was one of the principal exponents of Thomism and an influential interpreter of the thought of St Thomas Aquinas.

  7. Jacques Maritain (n. 18 noiembrie 1882 – d. 28 aprilie 1973) a fost un filozof catolic francez. El este autorul a peste 60 de cărți și este responsabil de ...

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