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  1. Joseph Aloïs Schumpeter, né le 8 février 1883 à Triesch, en Moravie (Empire austro-hongrois), et mort le 8 janvier 1950 à Salisbury, dans le Connecticut (États-Unis), est un économiste et professeur en science politique autrichien naturalisé américain, connu pour ses théories sur les fluctuations économiques, la destruction créatrice et l'innovation.

  2. Schumpeter's theory is that the success of capitalism will lead to a form of corporatism and a fostering of values hostile to capitalism, especially among intellectuals. The intellectual and social climate needed to allow entrepreneurship to thrive will not exist in advanced capitalism; it will be replaced by socialism in some form.

  3. Jan 1, 2018 · Economist and social scientist of Austrian origin, Schumpeter was born in Triesch, Moravia, on 8 February 1883, the son of the owner of a textile factory, and died in Taconic, Connecticut, on 8 January 1950. Schumpeter attended an academic high school in Vienna and studied law and economics at the University of Vienna.

  4. Waves of creative destruction characterized the “Industrial Revolution” of the 1920s—the decade of electrification, movies, the first transatlantic flight, and the Model T. If anything persuaded Schumpeter of the virtues of large firms, con-strained only by market forces, it was probably the great turn-of-the-century merger wave.

  5. Jan 13, 2020 · Seventy years ago, on January 8, 1950, one of the most famous economists of the 20 th century passed away at the age of 66, Joseph A. Schumpeter. During and after his lifetime, he has been identified with two related ideas, the notion of the innovative entrepreneur and the imagery of the competitive market as a process of creative destruction.

  6. Additional Description. Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), was an Austrian economist, former Minister of Finance in Austria, and George F. Baker Professor Economics at Harvard University (1935-1950). Schumpeter was known for his work in business cycle theory, for his emphasis on the process of change and development in economic affairs, for ...

  7. Joseph Alois Schumpeter (8. helmikuuta 1883 – 8. tammikuuta 1950) oli alun perin itävaltalainen, sittemmin yhdysvaltalainen taloustieteilijä, joka luetaan alansa vaikutusvaltaisimpiin tutkijoihin 1900-luvun ensimmäiseltä puoliskolta.

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