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  1. Nerva, having had a statue erected in the imperial palace as part of the reward, also did not suffer with Nero's downfall. Nerva quite possibly may have maintained a healthy friendship with another early Neronian supporter, the future emperor Vespasian.

  2. › wiki › NervaNerva - Wikipedia

    În scurta sa domnie, Nerva, spirit ponderat, jurist și om de litere apreciat, încearcă să restabilească prestigiul senatului și să reabiliteze victimele persecuțiilor predecesorului său. La 27 octombrie 97 , îl adoptă și-l desemnează coregent și succesor la tron pe Ulpius Traianus , guvernatorul provinciei Germania Superior , unul dintre cei mai talentați generali ai Imperiului.

  3. emperor nerva 6 Heir and Death. And so Nerva selected as his heir, the governor of Upper Germany, Marcus Ulpius Trajanus. Trajan enjoyed tremendous respect and support among the army as well as the senate and appeared to embody all that Rome sought in an emperor.

  4. Introduction. Although short, the reign of Marcus Cocceius Nerva (A.D. 96-98) is pivotal. The first of Edward Gibbon's so-called "Five Good Emperors," Nerva is credited with beginning the practice of adopting his heir rather than selecting a blood relative.

  5. Introduction. Although short, the reign of Marcus Cocceius Nerva (A.D. 96-98) is pivotal. The first of Edward Gibbon's so-called "Five Good Emperors," Nerva is credited with beginning the practice of adopting his heir rather than selecting a blood relative.

  6. Nov 21, 2023 · Emperor Nerva came of age during a time of great unrest for the Roman Empire. Power-hungry emperors and warring factions laid waste to broad regions of the countryside, making many question ...

  7. Nerva tisztában volt idős korával és gyengeségeivel, ezért méltó örököst igyekezett választani. Mivel gyermektelen volt, kénytelen volt örökbe fogadni kiszemelt utódját, aki nem más volt, mint Marcus Ulpius Traianus , Germania katonai parancsnoka, aki épp a Rajna vidékén hadakozott.

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