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  1. Jessica Tandy hatte 1927 ihren ersten Bühnenauftritt in London. 1930 trat sie am Broadway auf. Nach der gescheiterten Ehe mit Schauspieler Jack Hawkins, aus der eine Tochter hervorging und die 1942 wieder geschieden wurde, zog sie nach New York, wo sie den Schauspieler Hume Cronyn kennenlernte und heiratete.

  2. Jessica Tandy, who enhanced the American theater and enriched the American screen as few actresses have, died yesterday at her home in Easton, Conn. She was 85. The cause was ovarian cancer, said her husband, the actor Hume Cronyn. Miss Tandy triumphed on Broadway in 1947 as Blanche Dubois in Tennessee Williams's "Streetcar Named Desire," and ...

  3. Jessica Alice Tandy (n. 7 iunie 1909, Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei – d. 11 septembrie 1994, Connecticut, SUA) a fost o actriță americană de teatru și film de origine britanică, laureată a premiului Oscar în anul 1990 pentru rolul Daisy Werthan din filmul Șoferul doamnei Daisy, regizat de Bruce Beresford .

  4. Jun 7, 2012 · 2.7K. Jessica Tandy’s career was a slow starter, but eventually she became the oldest actress to win an Oscar… Born on this day in 1909, Jessica Tandy enjoyed a career that lasted nearly seven ...

  5. Jun 7, 2017 · June 07, 2017. Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter, and Jessica Tandy in A Streetcar Named Desire. Digging into the archives, we unearth the original articles printed in the Playbills of yesteryear. At age ...

  6. Jessica Tandy. Hume Cronyn (actor, born July 18, 1911, London, Canada) Jessica Tandy actress, born June 7, 1909, London, England; died September 11, 1994 Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy both had distinguished th selves on stage and film individually and together before the night in 1951 when they opened on Broadway in The Fourposter and became a ...

  7. Jessica Tandy (Londra, 7 giugno 1909 – Easton, 11 settembre 1994) è stata un'attrice teatrale e attrice cinematografica britannica naturalizzata statunitense. È famosa soprattutto per l'intensa attività teatrale, ambito in cui è considerata come una delle più grandi attrici della sua generazione e apprezzata interprete del repertorio classico e moderno a Londra e Broadway [2] [3] [4] .