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  1. The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School student proficiently: Reads for information and understanding; Communicates as a writer and speaker; Represents ideas through an expressive medium; Uses deliberate thinking processes to solve problems and develop ideas; Applies a variety of technologies to build and convey understanding. Social

  2. The Cambridge Teen Health Center, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), is a school-based health clinic located in the CRLS health office. The center is staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner and mental health specialists – psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

  3. Marie McCabe (1939) began teaching at C.H.L.S. in 1946 and became the first woman to serve as Assistant Headmaster at the Cambridge High & Latin School (1966-1977) and the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. Alfred Lassman (1924) suffered a tragic injury that left him paralyzed on his left side.

  4. Directions to Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. Danehy Field. Fresh Pond Golf Course. Rindge Field/Pemberton Street Tennis Courts. Simoni Rink. Friends of Cambridge ...

  5. Directions to Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. Danehy Field. Fresh Pond Golf Course. Rindge Field/Pemberton Street Tennis Courts. Simoni Rink. Friends of Cambridge ...

  6. Cambridge Rindge and Latin School is a reflection of the progress of the past three centuries. CRLS came about when the Rindge Technical School was merged with Cambridge Latin high school in 1977. Rindge Tech began as The Cambridge Manual Training School in 1888 and was a national model of a successful technical high school, although for men only.

  7. Most notably in September 2010, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School unveiled the completed first phase of a $112 million major renovation that began with a beautiful new Arts Building, a fitting home to our nationally-recognized theater arts program.