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  1. How would you spend Elon Musk's fortune if you had it? Choose from a variety of items, from gadgets and cars to art and real estate, and see how much money you have left.

  2. Spend Elon Musk Money - Ever wondered what it feels like to be a billionaire? To have a fortune so vast, you can buy entire islands or launch rockets into space on a whim? Well, now's your chance to experience the life of the ultra-wealthy with the hilarious and addictive this spend money game.

  3. Apr 6, 2024 · Manage Elon Musk's staggering fortune of $217 billion in a virtual marketplace. Choose from various items, from Nintendo Switch to Boeing 747, and see the impact of your choices on your wealth and time.

  4. Spend Elon Musk's Fortune. 0.00 $ Big Mac 3.5 $ Sell 0 Buy. Coke 1.5 $ Sell 0 Buy. Air Jordan 180 $ Sell 0 Buy. iPad Pro 1700 $ Sell 0 Buy. Cinema Ticket 8.5 $ Sell 0 ...

  5. Spend Elon Musk's Money. If Elon cashed out all of his stocks & assets today he would have approximately $217,000,000,000 (US Dollars) in his bank account.

  6. A satirical website that claims to let you spend Elon Musk's fortune on various items and services. You can buy anything from a Coca Cola to a private island, or donate to charity, with a click of a button.

  7. Play a game where you can buy, sell, and manage items using Elon Musk's fortune. Choose from a variety of products, from perfume to space telescope, and see how much money you have left.