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  1. Learn about Jose Rizal's activities in Paris in 1889, where he founded the Kidlat Club, a Filipino literary and cultural association. Read his letters, articles, and poems published in the La Solidaridad and other journals.

  2. Jun 17, 2011 · Learn how Rizal formed the Kidlat Club, a group of Filipino bachelors in Paris, and how he enjoyed women, art and culture in Europe. The web page also features a documentary about Rizal's life and legacy in Europe.

  3. Sep 17, 2013 · Learn about the Kidlat Club, a social organization founded by Rizal in 1889 to bring together young Filipinos in Paris, and other societies he joined or created during the Universal Exposition. Discover the aims, symbols, and activities of these groups and their role in Rizal's reform movement.

  4. Clubs Rizal . Started KIDLAT Club March 19, 1889 Rizal organized his Compatriots into a society called Kidlat club; Aim: to simply bring together the young Filipinos in the French Capital so that they could enjoy their sojourn Together INDIOS BRAVOS Enchanted by the American Indians he replaced the Kidlat Club with Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)

  5. (Thus he told Blumentritt in a letter dated March 19, 1889: “Today we have formed a Kidlat Club. Kidlat in Tagalog means “lightning” and for the same reasons this club will last only during the Exposition. We thought of it and formed it in one hour. It will also disappear like lightning.”)

  6. On May 19, 1889, Rizal organized his paisanos (compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club. Among its members were, Antonio and Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando Canon, Lauro Dimayuga, Julie Llorente, Guillermo Puatu and Baldomero Roxas.

  7. Dec 27, 2018 · It was here that Rizal formed the Kidlat Club, little more than a barkada of Filipino bachelors in Paris. Together they went to see the Buffalo Bill cowboy exhibit at the World Exposition of 1889. Rizal was more struck by the American Indians in the exhibit, and reminded his compatriots that they too were called Indios by their white colonizers.

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