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  1. Written Constitution refers to the constitution the laws of which are properly enacted and duly framed and stated in a single book. On the contrary, Unwritten constitution is a system which is not incorporated in a series of documents as a book, as well as the laws are not formally enacted on a specific date.

  2. Unwritten Constitution: Written Constitution. Unwritten constitution refers to the constitution not codified in a structured manner. Written Constitution refers to the constitution codified and compiled in a structured and cohesive manner.

  3. Sep 6, 2023 · A written constitution is drafted systematically in a step-by-step manner. Any necessary update or change is incorporated instantaneously. An unwritten constitution may either be rigid or flexible, or both. The majority of the time, a written constitution is flexible in nature.

  4. Feb 26, 2024 · A written constitution is a formal document defining the structure, powers, and limits of government, while an unwritten constitution consists of customs, judicial decisions, and legal precedents not codified in a single text.

  5. Unwritten Constitution. A Written Constitution is one that is codified and written in a single document. An unwritten Constitution is a type of Constitution devoid of laws or provisions set in writing.

  6. May 25, 2024 · The main difference between a written and unwritten constitution lies in their codification. A written constitution is a formal, codified document that is usually entrenched and difficult to amend. In contrast, an unwritten constitution is not found in a single document but rather consists of a collection of laws, customs, and ...

  7. Written versus unwritten constitutions A third distinction is sometimes drawn: whether a constitution is written or unwritten. This distinction focuses on the nature of a constitution, whether entirely written down and specified in a constitutional document, or whether it is a