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  1. Jan 3, 2019 · The four cardinal virtues are the principal moral virtues. All other virtues hinge on these four: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.

  2. The cardinal virtues are four virtues of mind and character in both classical philosophy and Christian theology. They are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. They form a virtue theory of ethics.

  3. May 4, 2022 · Foremost among the moral virtues stand four key virtues, the cardinal virtues, the cornerstone of Aristotle’s moral framework: prudence, justice, temperance, and courage. According to Aristotle, possessing these virtues makes a person good, happy, and flourishing.

  4. The cardinal virtues are wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. At the heart of this ethical framework is wisdom, often regarded as the principal virtue. Courage empowers noble actions, temperance ensures decisions align with reason, and justice upholds the principles of fairness and equality.

  5. The cardinal virtues. 1805 Four virtues play a pivotal role and accordingly are called "cardinal"; all the others are grouped around them. They are: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. "If anyone loves righteousness, [Wisdom's] labors are virtues; for she teaches temperance and prudence, justice, and courage."

  6. The four cardinal virtuesjustice, wisdom (prudence), courage (fortitude), and moderation (self-control, temperance) – come not just from Plato or Greek philosophy. You will find them in Scripture. They are knowable by human nature, which God designed, not Plato.

  7. Cardinal Virtues, the four principal virtues upon which the rest of the moral virtues turn or are hinged. Those who recite the Divine Office find constantly recurring what seems to be the earliest instance of the word cardinal as applied to the virtues.

  8. Mar 20, 2018 · Prudence is one of the four cardinal virtues. Like the other three, it is a virtue that can be practiced by anyone; unlike the theological virtues, the cardinal virtues are not, in themselves, the gifts of God through grace but the outgrowth of habit.

  9. Jun 27, 2024 · An enumeration of four cardinal virtues is said to go back to Socrates and is certainly to be found in Plato and Aristotle. These are prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice and are considered natural, or cardinal (from Latin cardo, “hinge”), virtues because on them all lesser attitudes hinge.

  10. Jul 18, 2003 · In what follows we sketch four distinct forms taken by contemporary virtue ethics, namely, a) eudaimonist virtue ethics, b) agent-based and exemplarist virtue ethics, c) target-centered virtue ethics, and d) Platonistic virtue ethics.

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