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  1. Our ranking shows the 50 wealthiest countries, measured by gross domestic product per capita and adjusted by the purchasing in the respective country. The USA is the only country with a large surface area and population among the highest-ranking nations, ranking 13th.

  2. May 15, 2024 · Luxembourg is currently the richest country in the world based on its GDP per capita (PPP) of $143,742 according to the 2024 IMF report. Ireland, Singapore, and Qatar trail behind at $133,895, $133,737, and $112,282, respectively.

  3. May 3, 2024 · Many of the world’s richest countries are also the world’s smallest: the pandemic, the global economic slowdown and geopolitical turmoil have barely made a dent in their huge wealth.

  4. What is the richest country in the world? Monaco is a country that is located near France and it is the richest country in the world, with a GDP of $234,317 in US dollars.

  5. May 4, 2024 · If we simply consider a nation’s gross domestic product—the sum of all goods and services produced by a country during one year—then we would have to conclude that the richest nations are exactly the ones with the largest GDP: United States, China, Japan, Germany.

  6. Mar 29, 2023 · Most of the richest countries are found in Europe and North America (the top two richest continents), with a per capita GDP of $34,500 and $59,000, respectively. On the other hand, most of the poorest countries in the world are found in Africa.

  7. Countries ranking through time. In the following table are ranked the 30 countries by the largest national net wealth from 2000 to 2022 according to UBS and Credit Suisse S.A. (August 2023). [4] Shares of global wealth. The following table indicates the share of global wealth of the ten wealthiest countries by net national wealth at given years.

  8. GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is the total monetary value of all goods and services produced and sold within a country during a specific time period, typically one year. ( learn more ). World's GDP is $100,562,000,000,000 ( nominal, 2022)

  9. Dec 15, 2023 · Chinathe world’s second-largest economy in nominal terms—comes 65th by GDP per person and 96th by hours worked. Other countries with gruesome work cultures also see big shifts: South Korea...

  10. Oct 25, 2022 · The United States is the richest country in the world with the highest GDP, as of 2021. China is the second richest country in the world with a $17.734 trillion GDP. Monaco is the richest...

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