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  1. Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL) - In general, it refers to the status of any official or employee who absents himself from work without approved leave of absence; b. Dropped from the rolls -A non-disciplinary administrative sanction by which the name of the PNP personnel is deleted from the roster of personnel;

  2. It defines AWOL and DFR and states that PNP personnel who are continuously AWOL for 30 working days or more shall be DFR without notice. It provides the process for DFR, allowing for a motion for reconsideration and appeal.

  3. Montoya, a member of the Philippine National Police (PNP), was assigned to the Central Police District (CPD) in Quezon City, when the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) issued Special Order No. 1044 3 on 9 September 1998 dropping him from the rolls, effective 15 August 1998, for failure to attend the Law Enforcement and Enhancement Course (LE...

  4. Any member or officer of the PNP who shall go on absence without official leave (AWOL) for a continuous period of thirty (30) days or more shall be dismissed immediately from the service. His activities and whereabouts during the period shall be investigated and if found to have committed a crime, he shall be prosecuted accordingly.

  5. An official or employee who is continuously absent without official leave (AWOL) for at least thirty (30) working days may be dropped from the rolls without prior notice which shall take effect immediately.

  6. PURPOSE: To empower the PNP Disciplinary Authorities to exercise their authority through the implementation of the non-disciplinary and disciplinary mechanism in addressing concerns with regard to personnel who were placed on AWOL status or ordered Dropped From the Rolls (DFR). 4.

  7. This Guide is definitely one of the PNP’s most important tool in helping the appointed PNP disciplinary authorities administer sanctions against erring PNP personnel who fail to abide by the rules and regulation of the PNP. More importantly this will help raise the competence of our police pre-charge evaluators and summary