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  1. The LTO is further directed to incorporate the commitments contained in the Road Safety Pledge in seminars for driver’s license applicants as well as in seminars and lectures involving those apprehended for violating traffic rules and regulations.

  2. The Filipino Drivers Manual not only provides information about traffic laws but also helps drivers develop good habits and road etiquette which are essential for safe driving.

  3. The center includes driving simulators for both two and four-wheeled vehicles, games related to road signs and regulatory signages, a 4D mini theater showcasing educational videos on various road safety topics, and other interactive stations.

  4. May 4, 2011 · In the Philippines, the PGRSP is finalizing the Philippine Road Safety Action Plan 2011-2020 and organizing the Decade’s May 11 ceremonial launch that will be ushered in by the nationwide ringing of church bells and the honking of car horns.

  5. By signing this agreement, I pledge to: · Obey all traffic laws · Drive defensively and responsibly · Remain alert and aware of possible driving dangers · Use extra precaution when driving in poor conditions, such as heavy rain or snow · Avoid driving distractions, such as loud music, passenger conversations and cell phones

  6. The United Nations (UN) has officially launched the Decade of Action for Road Safety program and the Philippines is taking an active part in promoting localized initiatives to address road-related safety concerns.

  7. 2 hours ago · With some road trains almost 60 metres long, new rules in WA mean truckies will have to display signs alerting other drivers to their vehicles' length. But the haulage industry says the change ...