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  1. Oct 15, 2021 · The 8 volume biography of Benito Mussolini by Italian historian Renzo De Felice.

  2. My article focuses on the effect of violence outside the party against anti-Fascists and non-Fascists. Google Scholar. Among the most recent studies, see Fabbri, Le origini della guerra civile, 32–38, 60–69, 81–96; Roberto Bianchi, Pace, pane, terra: Il 1919 in Italia (Rome: Odradek, 2006); and. Google Scholar.

  3. May 9, 2023 · Tra le parole chiave: coraggio, identità, onore e orgoglio, associate alla rivendicazione del primato della nazione e del popolo italiani.

  4. Oct 10, 2022 · After the Italian Risorgimento, the most evident use of the word had been by a radical group of Sicilian peasants, the fascio italiano dei lavoratori. During the early 1890s they campaigned for social justice against the nationalist and imperialist prime minister Francesco Crispi, destined after 1922 to be painted as a Fascist ...

  5. Apr 10, 2023 · Il volume è dedicato alla politica linguistica del ventennio fascista; gli autori sono gli accademici Valeria Della Valle, già docente di Linguistica italiana presso La Sapienza Università di Roma, e Riccardo Gualdo, docente di Linguistica italiana presso l'Università della Tuscia.

  6. Feb 4, 2019 · Focusing on the Italian reconquest of Libya in the late 1920s and early 1930s, as well as the brutal massacre of civilians that took place in Ethiopia in 1937, this article looks into the nature of Italian colonial violence and asks what difference Fascism made.

  7. Feb 5, 2016 · Facing the controversial memory of the Risorgimento, Fascism was compelled to measure itself against Garibaldi, the nation's most celebrated and popular hero. The result was an exaltation of the alleged continuity between Redshirts and Blackshirts, marked by an emphasis on patriotic voluntarism that removed Garibaldi's adherence to ...