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  1. Aug 5, 2019 · The Jezebel spirit attempt to seek out people of influence to win their ear, gain credibility and win endorsement for their toxic cause. People under Jezebel’s influence are often insecure and wounded, with pronounced egocentric needs. They are often trying to fill a love deficit.

  2. In psychoanalytic literature, a Madonnawhore complex (also called a Madonna–mistress complex) is the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed and loving relationship.

  3. An analysis of the Jezebel images in the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Imagery reveals several patterns. Many of the Jezebel objects caricature and mock African women. For example, in the 1950s "ZULU LULU" was a popular set of swizzle sticks used for stirring drinks.

  4. Feb 21, 2024 · The transformation of the Jezebel meaning over millennia—from a complex biblical figure to a cultural symbol of female transgression—reveals much about shifting societal attitudes towards gender, morality, and power.

  5. Oct 31, 2014 · Jezebel met with a terrible fate in the Biblical account, and of course this is miles apart from the situation of Lebanese women today. Yet, there is a similar type of puritanical attitude at play which dismisses Lebanese women for their attention to physical appearance.

  6. Mar 10, 2020 · Jezebel (d. c. 842 BCE) was the Phoenician Princess of Sidon who married Ahab, King of Israel (r. c. 871 - c. 852 BCE) according to the biblical books of I and II Kings, where she is portrayed unfavorably as a conniving harlot who corrupts Israel and flaunts the commandments of God.

  7. Nov 4, 2023 · Anna Holmes on the legacy of the feminist Web site Jezebel, and how, or if, commenters to the site impacted the sometimes combative nature of social media today.