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  1. Dec 29, 2021 · Causes of Disturbed Sleep Pattern. Many agents could contribute to a disturbed sleep pattern, but aging is often one of the most predominant causes, especially in geriatric patients. Apart from aging, disturbed sleep patterns may be due to the following instigative agents:

  2. Free nursing care plan (NCP) disturbed sleep pattern related to with diagnosis and nursing interventions. This nursing care plan is by the NANDA guidelines and is for a patient for lifestyle disruptions.

  3. Apr 30, 2024 · Insomnia involves challenges with initiating or maintaining sleep, while sleep deprivation occurs when someone consistently fails to obtain enough rest. The nursing diagnosis of a disturbed sleep pattern further encompasses these conditions, underlining the irregular and disrupted nature of an individual’s sleep cycle.

  4. Jun 19, 2023 · Sleep-related breathing disorders: Your breathing changes while you sleep. Central disorders of hypersomnolence: You have trouble feeling alert during the day. Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders: Your internal clock makes it difficult to fall asleep and wake up on time.

  5. There are several possible related factors to disturbed sleep pattern which can range from acute to chronic. These include chronic pain, nocturia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, depression, anxiety, poor sleep hygiene, circadian rhythm disorders, substance use or abuse, secondary insomnia, stress, and medical conditions. Associated Conditions.

  6. Aug 21, 2020 · Introduction. Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disturb normal sleep patterns. Sleep disorders are one of the most common clinical problems encountered. Inadequate or non-restorative sleep can interfere with normal physical, mental, social, and emotional functioning.

  7. What Causes Sleep? There are two internal biological mechanisms that work together to regulate wakefulness and sleep referred to as circadian rhythms and sleep-wake homeostasis. Circadian rhythms direct a wide variety of body functions including wakefulness, core temperature, metabolism, and the release of hormones.