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  1. Infidelity involves professing to believe what one does not. -Thomas Payne. The word “infidelity” often makes us think about marital disloyalty or unfaithfulness. However,the definition of “infidelity” stretches beyond adultery.

  2. what is marital unfaithfulness? Jesus said that the only valid cause for divorce is marital unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:8-9; Mark 10:2-12) . Biblical scholars disagree as to whether marital unfaithfulness refers only to physical adultery, or whether it includes other types of unfaithfulness in marriage.

  3. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

  4. The Test for Marital Unfaithfulness - Then the LORD told Moses, “Instruct the Israelis what to do if a man’s wife turns astray so that she unfaithfully acts against him, a man has sexual relations with ...

  5. Jun 19, 2023 · Question. What is the exception clause? Answer. The "exception clause" is Jesus’ statement in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 "except for marital unfaithfulness." It gives an "exception" for remarriage after a divorce being considered adultery.

  6. The primary point is that a man may not legitimately divorce his wife unless she violates the marriage through adultery or some other sexual immorality. Because the divorce is invalid, the man is guilty of causing his wife to commit adultery when she remarries another man.

  7. Feb 16, 2023 · Marriage counseling can help put the affair into perspective, identify issues that might have contributed to the affair, teach ways to rebuild and strengthen the relationship, and help avoid divorce — if that's the goal.