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  1. Cornelis de Houtman (2 April 1565 – 11 September 1599) was a Dutch merchant seaman who commanded the first Dutch expedition to the East Indies. Although the voyage was difficult and yielded only a modest profit, Houtman showed that the Portuguese monopoly on the spice trade was vulnerable.

  2. Cornelis and Frederik de Houtman were brothers who navigated and led the first Dutch trading expedition to the East Indies, an area whose trade previously had been a Portuguese monopoly. Cornelis and Frederik were sent to Lisbon in 1592 as commercial representatives of nine Dutch merchants.

  3. Cornelis and Frederik de Houtman (respectively, born c. 1540, Gouda, Neth.—died Sept. 11, 1599, Aceh, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies; born 1571, Gouda, Neth.—died Oct. 21, 1627, Alkmaar) were brothers who navigated and led the first Dutch trading expedition to the East Indies, an area whose trade previously had been a Portuguese monopoly.

  4. Cornelis de Houtman ( Gouda, 2 april 1565 – Atjeh, 1 september 1599) was een Hollandse koopman en ontdekkingsreiziger die in 1595 als opperkoopman met de eerste Nederlandse expeditie naar Oost- Indië voer. Hij bezocht de eilanden Sumatra, Java, Madura en Bali.

  5. Cornelis de Houtman (lahir di Gouda, Holland Selatan, Belanda, 2 April 1565 – meninggal di Aceh, 1 September 1599 pada umur 34 tahun) adalah seorang penjelajah Belanda yang menemukan jalur pelayaran dari Eropa ke Indonesia dan berhasil memulai perdagangan rempah-rempah bagi Belanda.

  6. One of the first things these men did was to send Pauw's cousin, Cornelis de Houtman, to Lisbon, posing as a merchant. His job was to confirm Plancius' charts and see if he could find any more information on the East Indies. [2]

  7. Oct 7, 2019 · Cornelis de Houtman (ca. 1565-1599) was een Goudaanse zeevaarder die in 1595 de eerste Nederlandse ‘schipvaart’ naar Oost-Indië leidde. Hij was ook betrokken bij een tweede reis naar Atjeh, waar hij in 1599 werd gedood.