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  1. Diego de Vargas Zapata y Luján Ponce de León y Contreras (1643–1704), commonly known as Don Diego de Vargas, was a Spanish Governor of the New Spain territory of Santa Fe de Nuevo México (currently covering the modern US states of New Mexico and Arizona).

  2. Learn how Diego de Vargas, the Spanish Governor of New Mexico, reclaimed Santa Fe and other pueblos from the Pueblo people in 1692. Discover how he used Catholic rituals, violence and peace to gain control and celebrate his victory with the oldest civic and religious feast in North America.

  3. Jun 3, 2019 · Diego de Vargas Zapata y Luján Ponce de León y Contreras (born in Spain, 1643–1704) was a Spanish Governor of the New Spain territory of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, today the US states of New Mexico and Arizona. He is most famous for leading the reconquest of the territory in 1692 following the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

  4. Diego de Vargas governed New Mexico from 1691 to 1697, and for four months between 1703 and 1704. He is most known for his leadership in the return of Spanish colonists to Santa Fe after a 12-year

  5. Diego de Vargas ( b. 1643; d. 8 April 1704), Spanish governor and recolonizer of New Mexico (16911697; 17031704). Heir of a proud but indebted noble house in Madrid, Vargas sailed for New Spain in 1673.

  6. Diego José de Vargas Zapata Luján Ponce de León y Contreras was born in Madrid in 1643 to Alonso de Vargas and María Margarita Contreras y Arráiz. His was an illustrious family, though not among the monarch’s inner circle.

  7. Diego de Vargas Zapata y Luján Ponce de León y Contreras (1643–1704), commonly known as Don Diego de Vargas, was a Spanish Governor of the New Spain territory of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. He was the title-holder in 1690–1695, and effective governor in 1692–1696 and 1703–1704.