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  1. › wiki › SynagogueSynagogue - Wikipedia

    They also have rooms for study, social halls, administrative and charitable offices, classrooms for religious and Hebrew studies, and many places to sit and congregate. They often display commemorative, historic, or modern artwork alongside items of Jewish historical significance or history about the synagogue itself.

  2. Jul 10, 2024 · Synagogue, in Judaism, a community house of worship that serves as a place for liturgical services and for assembly and study. Its traditional functions are reflected in three Hebrew synonyms for synagogue: bet ha-tefilla (‘house of prayer’), bet ha-kneset (‘house of assembly’), and bet ha-midrash (‘house of study’).

  3. A synagogue (also known as a beit knesset or shul) is a place of Jewish worship. In addition to housing a sanctuary for services, synagogues often serve as the centerpoint of Jewish life. It contains seating for men and women, an ark to hold the holy Torah and a platform upon which it is read.

  4. The "Small Synagogue" of St. Petersburg's gold-covered bimah, uniquely patterned ceiling and wooden floors exemplify the architectural glory of the synagogue. A number of synagogues throughout the world are famous for their history, architecture, or importance.

  5. The Synagogue: Background & Overview. The Synagogue: Table of Contents | Customs & Etiquette | The Mekhitza. The synagogue is the center of the Jewish religious community: a place of prayer, study and education, social and charitable work, as well as a social center.

  6. As the role of the synagogue has expanded, especially in North America, the education of children and adults has become a more pronounced function. A new position, Director of Education, has emerged, with responsibility for formal and informal Jewish educational programs for children and youth.

  7. Aug 13, 2009 · This article looks at the Synagogue, the Jewish place of worship, and examines how the congregation conduct themselves, the sacred items and ceremonies.

  8. May 21, 2018 · synagogue (sĬn´əgŏg) [Gr.,=assembly], in Judaism, a place of assembly for worship, education, and communal affairs. The origins of the institution are unclear. One tradition dates it to the Babylonian exile of the 6th cent.

  9. Mar 24, 2019 · The synagogue contains many features that are unique to the Jewish religion. Below is a guide to some of the more commonly seen features within synagogue main sanctuaries.

  10. The word "synagogue" comes from the Greek word for gathering together, and it can be a meeting place, a house of learning, and a house of prayer, so how people behave depends on what's happening...

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