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  1. Beloved Corinna (German: Geliebte Corinna and also known as Corinna Darling) is a 1956 German drama film directed by Eduard von Borsody and starring Elisabeth Müller. It was shot at the Pichelsberg Studios in West Berlin .

  2. Corinnas Going A-Maying’ is a carpe diem (Latin for “seize the day”) poem in which the speaker urges his beloved, Corinna, to arise from bed and join him in the festivities of May Day already in progress.

  3. Corinnas Going A-Maying’ is a carpe diem (Latin for “seize the day”) poem in which the speaker urges his beloved, Corinna, to arise from bed and join him in the festivities of May Day already in progress.

  4. "Corinna's Going A-Maying" is a lyric poem with a pastoral setting and carpe diem theme. John Williams and F. Eglesfield published the poem in London in 1648 as part of Hesperides: Or, The Works Both Humane & Divine of Robert Herrick Esq , a collection of Herrick's poems.

  5. a beloved, choose where to place yourself in the catalogue of elegiac poets. The amatory poetry runs the gamut of erotic discourses: declaration, desire, intimacy, celebration, conflict, absence, failure, repudiation.

  6. In Amores 3.12, for instance, Ovid complains that his poems have turned his beloved Corinna into common property, enjoyed by many (ingenio prostitit illa meo, 8).

  7. Reba Wilcoxon contrasts the emotional involvement and passion of the speaker’s language towards Corinna (whether formal and courtly or, in ll. 17–18, erotic in nature) with the explicit and brutal language associated with his sexual past: