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  1. The National Theatre of Iceland (Þjóðleikhúsið) is a vibrant and dynamic theatre, that has been a leading institution on the Icelandic theatre scene ever since it opened formally in 1950, receiving around 100.000 spectators each season.

  2. The National Theatre of Iceland (NTI) (Icelandic: Þjóðleikhúsið, pronounced [ˈθjouðˌleikˌhuːsɪθ]) in Reykjavík, is the national theatre of Iceland. The theater, designed by Guðjón Samúelsson, was formally opened on 20 April 1950. Since 2020, the artistic director of The National Theatre is Magnús Geir Þórðarsson.

  3. But that's also Iceland. A country of 330,000 people which boasts a symphony orchestra, two theater companies, an opera company and more. Plus one Nobel Prize winner in literature. The theater has great acoustics and has hosted concerts by jazz greats like Oscar Peterson and the best of international classical music notables. Well worth a visit.

  4. The National Theatre of Iceland is a vibrant and dynamic theatre, that has been a leading institution on the Icelandic theatre scene ever since it opened formally in 1950. The NTI works with outstanding theatre artists from Iceland and abroad, and receives around 100.000 spectators each season.

  5. Veitingar fyrir hópa. Hópurinn þinn getur borið fram sérstakar óskir um veitingar. Sendu okkur línu á eða hringdu í s. 551 1200. SKOÐA VEITINGAR. Við tökum vel á móti þér í endurbættum og notalegum forsal, með úrvali ljúffengra veitinga! Þú getur notið veitinga hvort sem er fyrir sýningu eða í ...

  6. The National Theater of Iceland is a large theater in Reykjavik that welcomes around 100,000 visitors to its varied performances every season. You can see the National Theater of Iceland (known as Þjóðleikhúsið in Icelandic) on a two-hour walking tour of Reykjavik.

  7. Þjóðleikhúsið leggur einnig ríka áherslu á að efla áhuga og skilning yngri kynslóða á leikhúsinu með sýningum fyrir börn og unglinga og fræðslustarfi. Leikið er á fimm ólíkum leiksviðum í leikhúsinu, en Þjóðleikhúsið sýnir einnig sýningar á leikferðum um landið.