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  1. Doña Isabel de Tolosa Cortés de Moctezuma (1568 – 1619/1620), was a wealthy New Spanish heiress and the wife of conqueror and explorer Don Juan de Oñate who led an expedition in 1598 and founded the first Spanish settlement in what is now the state of New Mexico.

  2. Doña Isabel Moctezuma (born Tecuichpoch Ichcaxochitzin; 1509/1510 – 1550/1551) was a daughter of the Aztec ruler Moctezuma II. She was the consort of Atlixcatzin, a tlacateccatl, and of the Aztec emperors Cuitlahuac, and Cuauhtemoc and as such the last Aztec empress.

  3. Apr 21, 2021 · Isabel Moctezuma was an Aztec princess who lived during the time of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. Isabel was the daughter of Moctezuma II, and by the time she was 11 or 12 years old, she had been married off not just to an Aztec noble, but also to two Aztec emperors.

  4. Apr 27, 2022 · Dona Isabel de Tolosa Cortés de Moctezuma (1568- 1619/1620), was a wealthy Mexican heiress and the wife of conqueror and explorer Don Juan de Onate who led an expedition in 1598 and founded the first Spanish settlement in what is now the state of New Mexico.

  5. She was the daughter of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma II and his wife Teotlalco. The Aztec Empire controlled a large territory in what is today called central and south Mexico. As emperor, Tecuichpotzin’s father ruled over an estimated five to six million people in four to five hundred states.

  6. Oct 25, 2023 · Empress Tecuichpo Ixcaxochitzin was baptised and christened Isabel Moctezuma. Shortly afterwards, in 1526, Isabel Moctezuma married the Spanish conquistador and Hernan Cortes’s friend, Alonso de Grado. However, he died two years later due to unknown causes.

  7. Jul 2, 2013 · After Andrade died on Apr. 15, 1531, she married Cortés’ enemy, Juan Cano de Saavedra, with whom she carried out several lawsuits in order to assert her rights as the daughter of Moctezuma. Isabel died on July 11, 1550.