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  1. Explore a Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (BS) degree at the nation's #5 best computer science program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Grainger College of Engineering.

  2. Computer Engineering, BS. for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering is a blooming discipline focused on the development of vital computing technologies that range from chips to computers to networks to programming tools and key algorithms.

  3. By earning a B.S. in Information Sciences (BS/IS) from the School of Information Sciences (iSchool), you will gain a competitive edge. Our interdisciplinary, STEM-designated degree will prepare students for careers in a variety of fields.

  4. Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement.

  5. Explore a Mathematics & Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences (BSLAS) degree at the nation's #5 best computer science program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

  6. Students learn about the design, implementation, and protection of systems and technology to address the information processing needs of an organization, and provide data and information for managerial decision-making.

  7. The Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences (BSIS) prepares students for a wide range of careers within the knowledge economy. In today’s technology-centered job market, there is a high demand for information professionals. By earning a BSIS from the School of Information Sciences (iSchool), you will gain a competitive edge.