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  1. Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School Web Site, Introduction to Aoyama Gakuin, Aoyama Gakuin Integrated Education, Education, School Life, Admissions, International exchange, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

  2. Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School Web Site, Introduction to Aoyama Gakuin, Aoyama Gakuin Integrated Education, Education, School Life, Admissions, International exchange, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

  3. The Senior High School has 50-minute classes, six periods a day, five days a week. Our curriculum is created with the goal of "striving to nurture people with comprehensive discernment and insight who blaze their own trails in life."

  4. Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School has three types of entrance examinations: for students applying for entry by recommendation, for students returning from overseas, and for general students. Each of these entrance examinations has distinctive characteristics.

  5. Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School was formed as a new-system senior high school in 1948 as part of the postwar education reforms of secondary education, in which the former Higher Division for boys was renamed as the Senior High Division and the former Women's Higher Division was renamed as the Girls' Senior High Division.

  6. Aoyama Gakuin School Corporation (学校法人青山学院, Gakkō Hōjin Aoyama Gakuin) is an educational institute in Tokyo, Japan, which comprises Aoyama Gakuin University, Aoyama Gakuin Senior High School, Aoyama Gakuin Junior High School, Aoyama Gakuin Elementary School, and Aoyama Gakuin Kindergarten.

  7. Senior High School. The senior high school is committed to an education which is Biblically and morally focused. University. Aoyama Gakuin is a Christian university that is committed to providing a character-building education based on Christianity. The center of such education is the university worship services held daily at the chapels.