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  1. Levy. To assess; raise; execute; exact; tax; collect; gather; take up; seize. Thus, to levy a tax; to levy a Nuisance; to levy a fine; to levy war; to levy an execution, i.e., to levy or collect a sum of money on an execution. A seizure.

  2. n. an annual local governmental tax on real property or personal property based on a tax rate (so many dollars or cents per $100 value of the property.) The value is usually established by an Assessor, a county official.

  3. The criminal sanction for a criminal defendant varies according to the crime and includes such measures as death, incarceration, Probation, community service, and monetary fines. In Civil Law, a sanction is that part of a law that assigns a penalty for violation of the law's provisions.

  4. Permission or authorization to do something. Leave of court is permission from the judge to take some action in a lawsuit that requires an absence or delay. An attorney might request a leave of court in order to file an amended Pleading, a formal declaration of a claim, or a defense.