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  1. Jul 16, 2023 · The relationship between the younger Adolf with his step-brother Alois junior was never very good. Mit seinem Halbbruder Adolf schien sich Alois nie gut verstanden zu haben. Später berichtete er, Adolf sei von dessen Mutter Klara stets bevorzugt worden, wohingegen Alois manche Prügelstrafen des Vaters auch für Adolfs Streiche abbekommen habe.

  2. According to Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography, by John Toland: Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history ...

  3. Jan 15, 2019 · But interestingly, the revisionist historian Werner Maser claimed in his biography of Hitler 1967 to also dismiss the just mentioned thesis but that he had solved the mystery nonetheless: Hitler was not descended from Jews. He was rather the product of a particularly dense inbreeding. — Der Spiegel, 24.07.1967: "Dichte Inzucht", linked above

  4. Feb 2, 2015 · Ian Kershaw's Hitler biography Nemesis describes Hitler's hurriedly arranged summit with Mussolini in July 1943: After landing at Treviso, Hitler and Mussolini travelled in the Duce's train to a station near Feltre and then still had an hour's drive in open-top cars in the sweltering heat until they reached the villa chosen for the meeting, which began at noon

  5. The biography of Adam von Trott A Good German by Giles MacDonogh has a chapter on Bose and his involvement with nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Trott headed up the India Department within Germany's wartime Foreign Ministry and looked after Bose's 18-month stay in Germany during the war.

  6. Aug 15, 2016 · 11. In series Nazi Underworld (episode "Patient Hitler"), you can see original footage from a German propaganda film (that was censored at the time) with Hitler's left hand tremor. The authors claim that it was one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Also they mention forward-flexed posture as another symptom.

  7. Hitler called a new round of Reichstag elections that he cast as a vote of confidence on himself. The Nazis won 44% of the vote, their highest proportion ever, and the single largest party bloc. By forming a coalition with the Nationalists (8%), they had a majority. Hitler's next step was the passage of the so-called Enabling Act.

  8. Oct 8, 2014 · 29. The image of Hitler is very well-formed in the modern public imagination: stern, stoic, focused, commanding and intimidating, with a powerful oratory skill and a terrifying ability to stir up passion within his followers. Ask anyone to do a Hitler impression and they will immediately do one of two things: shout and wave an arm defiantly, or ...

  9. May 30, 2015 · Kakutani, On the Trail of the Other Nietzsche. The review and Wikipedia note that Hitler himself attended her funeral in 1935. However, there is no mention of her actually meeting the Fuehrer. But Brigitte Hamann’s Hitler’s Vienna relates a conversation between the two people. Hitler explained to her why he had never married:

  10. Hitler is one of the greatest men, the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country.…Within a few years, Adolf Hitler will emerge from the hatred which surrounds him as one of the most significant figures that ever lived. If so, when and where did he say this?

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