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  1. 20 hours ago · For example, Franz von Papen, the German ambassador to Turkey, informed the German Foreign Ministry that the publication of this text "has serious foreign policy considerations". He noted that such statements could aid "our Anglo-Saxon opponents" in their "propaganda against us" and asked the Office of Racial Politics not to publish such things in the future. [105]

  2. 20 hours ago · Today's French elites would rather lose to today's invaders than lose an election to the country's "far right." This very much has the feel of January 1933 when Franz von Papen and the Prussian business and military elites pressured Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Adolph Hitler as chancellor, and von Papen as vice-chancellor in 1933, to form a cabinet - that they thought they would control.

  3. 20 hours ago · Die Charts sind Ergebnis einer Auswertung der meistgelesenen Seiten in der Kategorie:Korporierter. Sie wird monatlich vom Krdbot aktualisiert; die Zugriffszahlen basieren auf den Daten von Domas Mituzas ( [1] ).

  4. 20 hours ago · Auf dieser Seite ermittelt der Bot namens Krdbot ( Info, Diskussion) zuoberst automatisiert zu Beginn jedes Monats die Aufrufzahlen von Artikeln aus der Kategorie: Ethnologie (ohne Ethnologen: siehe Top-Biografien, ohne Ethnien: siehe Top-Ethnien-Artikel, ohne Volkskunde: siehe Portal:Volkskunde, ohne Europäisches & Historisches) .

  5. 20 hours ago · Signature. Charles II of Spain [a] (6 November 1661 – 1 November 1700) was King of Spain from 1665 to 1700. The last monarch from the House of Habsburg, which had ruled Spain since 1516, neither of his marriages produced children, and he died without a direct heir. He is now best remembered for his physical disabilities, and the War of the ...

  6. 20 hours ago · With what prominent composer at the Imperial Court of Vienna did Franz Schubert study? Antonio Salieri Chopin composed a series of preludes in the pattern established by Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier.