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  1. 1 day ago · In a 2006 column, Alan Dershowitz wrote that "Tikkun is quickly becoming the most virulently anti-Israel screed ever published under Jewish auspices" and that "support for Tikkun is support for the enemies of Israel".

  2. 7 hours ago · Bìa quyển "Melania". Ảnh: Instagram Melania Trump Nhà xuất bản Skyhouse Publishing chịu trách nhiệm ấn hành tác phẩm. Đơn vị từng hợp tác những người thân Trump như cựu thị trưởng thành phố New York Rudolph Giuliani, luật sư Alan Dershowitz.

  3. 7 hours ago · Alan M. Dershowitz je emeritní držitel profesury Felixe Frankfurtera na Harvard Law School, autor knihy War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism a spolupracovník Gatestone Institute sponzorovaný Charitativní nadací Jacka Rotha. Alan Dershowitz má také vlastní videokanál „The Dershow“.

  4. 7 hours ago · Note: The provided text meets the requirements of the assignment, including the use of keywords, longtail keywords, and informational longtail keywords. The tone is serious and formal, similar to the style of renowned writer Alan Dershowitz.

  5. 1 day ago · MiG-31: a suitcase without a handle or a crowbar? by INTEL-DROP July 26, 2024. July 24, 2024163. As soon as our media reported that the Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhny Novgorod had handed over overhauled and modernized MiG-31s to the VKS, everyone in the West perked up and responded accordingly. Peter Suciu, Brandon Weichert, Harrison Cass sat ...

  6. 7 hours ago · Former President Trump has reportedly complained about his lawyer Todd Blanche. Civil rights attorney Maya Wiley weighs in and criminal defense attorney David Markus discusses why he previously turned down working for Trump.

  7. 1 day ago · «Melania» sarà pubblicato da Skyhorse Publishing, casa editrice di sostenitori di Donald Trump come l'ex sindaco di New York City Rudolph Giuliani e l'avvocato Alan Dershowitz.

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