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  1. 7 hours ago · Those who seek the full realization of our democracy strive only for the narratives and promises made to all Americans. As history shows, progress is achieved by constantly demanding greater inclusion and equity. Social advancements aren’t handed out to people standing in line, patiently waiting their turn.

  2. 7 hours ago · The RSPCA has warned that animal cruelty is on the rise - with the charity receiving 368 cruelty reports so far this year in Oxfordshire alone.

  3. 1 day ago · Ancient Egyptwas a civilization of ancient Northeast Africa. It was concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egyptand coalesced around 3100 BC(according to conventional Egyptian chronology)[1]with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egyptunder Menes(often identified ...

  4. 1 day ago · There were reports of beatings, trampling, invasion through the ventilation system, and a lot of despair. If it were in Brazil, the world would exclaim in unison: it could only have happened in a third-world country!

  5. 7 hours ago · NFL players have to be in peak physical condition to withstand the brutal beatings their bodies take each week, but this peak bloat is unreal. Even recently retired NFL greats like JJ Watt still look like Marvel superheroes .

  6. 1 day ago · The Union Syndicale Solidaires 21 sounded the alarm after having discovered a week ago the plans of a fascist group known as “Helix Dijon”.The group plans to hold a party called “AUSLANDER RAUS” (“foreigners out”) on Saturday, July 20.