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  1. 9 hours ago · How a pit of fear became a vessel of love. My story about the discovery of a heart-shaped womb.

  2. 9 hours ago · As I’ve mentioned before, the first book in my new Sweetbrier Creek series, An Amish Christmas Match, will be coming out on Sept 24th. The hero, Seth Beiler, makes hand carved chess sets and chess actually plays a big part in the story. So today I thought it would be fun to do a post that’s a little bit different – I call it How Playing ...

  3. 9 hours ago · 哈趣影视提供最新BD英语《the king 2 hearts》日剧手机在线观看,the king 2 hearts剧情介绍:早知道陈轩的真正出身 她怎么可能还会设计廖寻并试图掌控陈轩骆兰卿内心无比的悔恨 她发现自己从一开始就错得离谱 以为自己已经高估陈轩许多 没想到最后还是远远低估了这个年轻的武修 ,张芷澄想着以自己的 ...

  4. 9 hours ago · 《the king 2 hearts》是一部于2012年在英国上映的闽南语,日语,韩语科幻,其它,枪战神马午夜,剧情:哈哈哈哈这(zhè )片太逗了,笑死。很话剧的表现模式,所有的情境都在一个房间里,所有的表现张力全靠对话推进(jìn )。从最开始的阴阳怪气夹枪带棒到最后彻底放飞自我互相攻击。好看!精彩!

  5. 9 hours ago · ちょっとした幸せを感じる瞬間は? 本日限定!ブログスタンプ

  6. 9 hours ago · two hearts one beat† 宣伝目的と思われるコメはスルーします(^^&#59;)

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