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  1. Feb 25, 2021 · Takeaway. Setting limitations is the key to a healthy fangirling. Do not forget that we also have our personal life to handle, dealing with reality will be forever our main focus in life, being a fan is just adding colours to our life. Do not let fangirling get in your way of finding your real life, but it can be an inspiration to life.

  2. fangirl. 1. noun A female who is very interested in or devoted to an element of pop culture (such as a celebrity, athlete, book series, TV show, band, or movie). My sister is a total Supernatural fangirl—she never misses an episode and has even met the actors from the show! A: "Wow, I had no idea you were a Chris Evans fangirl.

  3. Feb 4, 2018 · As a verified fangirl (it’s in my Twitter bio), I decided to share the stages of fangirling. For purposes of simplicity, the object of obsession will be identified as X. Stage One: Discovery

  4. apple-polishing. sucking up. dancing attendance on. sucking up to. soft-soaping. falling all over. making up to. sweet-talking. licking someone's boots.

  5. 2 days ago · THE SHORT VERDICT: In my opinion, Show’s mainly an unhurried slice-of-life romance, meshed with our characters’ journeys of self-discovery, meshed with a good dose of sports drama, meshed with a touch of prodigal son. Opinions on this show are very divided, but if you are able to enjoy China’s brand of romance-in-the-everyday (a sub-genre ...

  6. Oxford Dictionary. fan·girl /ˈfanɡərl/. noun. a female fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, movies, music, or science fiction. “your average fangirl, despite the implication of the name, is a grown-up”. verb. (of a female fan) behave in an obsessive or overexcited way. “I’m still fangirling over this casting”.

  7. Oct 6, 2022 · Fangirling doesn’t only mean — Obsessive female individuals who are over-excited about fictional characters, it is a lifestyle. Being a Fangirl would include — a variety of learning, having ...

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