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  1. In March 1958, two years after Fr Francisco Araneta SJ became Rector, Ateneo de Cagayan was granted the university status, It was on August 27, 1958, that Ateneo de Cagayan was inaugurated as a university and was, thenceforth, called Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, in honor of St Francis Xavier, Jesuit missionary to the Indies and companion of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the society ...

  2. Sep 25, 2019 · Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan is a Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit University forming leaders of character for the needs of Mindanao, the Philippines, and Asia-Pacific.

  3. Xavier University was established on July 6, 2013 as per the provisions of the Xavier University, Odisha Act, 2013.In its endeavor to take up the tasks which are bold but necessary and which hitherto nobody has taken up, the New Campus of the Xavier University now renamed as XIM University, Bhubhaneswar was inaugurated on July 7, 2014.

  4. University Tagline: All For One. The tagline “All For One” should be used to describe Xavier whenever possible. Here at Xavier, we always say no one goes it alone, meaning no student, faculty or staff member should be without assistance or camaraderie. It also harkens back to our Jesuit legacy.

  5. Xavier University stands as a private Jesuit university, ranking as the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation and holding the position as one of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities across the United States. Additionally, it stands as the fourth-oldest Jesuit university in the country.

  6. May 26, 2011 · Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan is a Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit University forming leaders of character for the needs of Mindanao, the Philippines, and Asia-Pacific. Xavier University - CIT unveils new logo

  7. Xavier University is a private university located in Cincinnati, Ohio, providing a liberal arts education in the Jesuit Catholic tradition.

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