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  1. The LTO is further directed to incorporate the commitments contained in the Road Safety Pledge in seminars for driver’s license applicants as well as in seminars and lectures involving those apprehended for violating traffic rules and regulations.

  2. Feb 15, 2012 · The Driver’s Road Safety Pledge. In this connection, all officials and concerned employees are hereby directed to comply with the instructions and procedures stated in the aforementioned DOTC Memorandum. Strict compliance is hereby enjoined. Adopted: 15 February 2012. (SGD.) VIRGINIA P. TORRES. Assistant Secretary. Memorandum.

  3. Pledge to Road Safety Campaign will be conducted from July 1 to September 30, 2012. The Campaign aims to mobilize the youth, specifically schoolchildren to get members within their family circle and others in their community to commit to the Road Safety Pledge. It also aims to propagate road safety messages and raise road

  4. To legally drive a car in the Philippines, you need to have a driver's license. But before you could apply for a driver’s license, you need to secure first an LTO Student Permit which gives you the permission to learn how to drive. How to get a Student Permit? It's actually easy to get one.

  5. Jan 24, 2024 · Step 6: Read and understand the Driver’s Road Safety Pledge. All drivers must read and understand the driver’s manual relating to road safety and driving responsibly.

  6. AAP Road Safety Advocacy. In order to prevent road crashes in the country, the Automobile Association Philippines has been continuously working with both the government and private sectors to address road safety issues. AAP undertakes road safety campaigns, programs and projects aimed at improving public awareness, education and discipline ...

  7. As a start, road users are encouraged to make a "road safety pledge" to promote safer roads and vehicles by: - not using mobile phones while driving; - not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; - always using a seatbelt while driving or riding a car; - keeping cars in good, roadworthy condition;

  8. The Pledge - The Courage to Intervene. Passengers need to play a more active role in their own safety and that of others. U.S. roadway deaths are rising again at an alarming rate. People are still driving recklessly. Drunk, drugged, and distracted driving are on the rise. Just telling people to drive safely isn’t enough.

  9. May 4, 2011 · The FIA Foundation recommends dramatic action on all aspects of road safety, working toward safer roads and vehicles, increased use of seatbelts and helmets, education and legislation to encourage ...

  10. Learn the importance of safe and responsible driving practices to protect yourself and others on the road. Discover expert tips, guidelines, and resources for maintaining a secure and lawful driving experience.