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  1. In contrast, the Geneva Convention of 1864 and subsequent Geneva Conventions, notably the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and the two 1977 Additional Protocols, focus on the protection of persons not ...

  2. Geneva, 12 August 1949. The present Convention replaced the Prisoners of War Convention of 1929. It contains 143 Articles whereas the 1929 Convention had only 97. It became necessary to revise the 1929 Convention on a number of points owing to the changes that had occurred in the conduct of warfare and the consequences thereof, as well as in ...

  3. The Geneva Conventions which were adopted before 1949 were concerned with combatants only, not with civilians. Some provisions concerning the protection of populations against the consequences of war and their protection in occupied territories are contained in the Regulations concerning the laws and customs of war on land, annexed to the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.

  4. Parties to GC I–IV and P I–III. Parties to GC I–IV and P I–II. Parties to GC I–IV and P I and III. Parties to GC I–IV and P I. Parties to GC I–IV and P III. Parties to GC I–IV and no P. The Geneva Conventions, which were most recently revised in 1949, consist of seven individual treaties which are open to ratification or ...

  5. Jan 30, 2017 · According to Article 1 of the Geneva Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is a person who: Owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, ...

  6. (The Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of August 12, 1949) The First Geneva Convention protects soldiers who are hors de combat(out of the battle). The 10 articles of the original 1864 version of the Convention have been expanded in the First Geneva Convention of 1949 to

  7. May 11, 2008 · The Geneva Convention governing the treatment of P.O.W.s prescribes that the country holding the P.O.W.s must follow a fixed code of conduct with respect to these individuals.

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