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  1. Jan 6, 2024 · The amount of pension for disabled SSS members is computed based on the member’s average monthly salary credit and the number of credited years of service. It is important to note that the age requirement for an SSS disability pension is waived for those who are totally and permanently disabled.

  2. Jul 19, 2019 · For pensioners who have paid 120 total monthly contributions, the SSS pension amount will not fall below Php 1,200.00. For those who have at least 20 credited years of service. To apply for the monthly pension, you may visit this link for the requirements that you have to prepare – SSS Retirement Requirements – What To Prepare in Applying ...

  3. Cadet Nurse Service - You may purchase up to 3 years of service credit in the Cadet Nurse Corps, provided the service was as a student or graduate nurse and the training lasted at least 2 years. The student or graduate nurse plan had to be approved under Section 2 of the Act of June 15, 1943 (Public Law 78-73, 57 State. 153).

  4. Dec 24, 2023 · It takes into account the credited years of service and the AMSC. The formula is as follows: For members with at least 120 credited months: Monthly pension = AMSC x 2% + (AMSC x 0.5% x (credited years of service – 10)) For members with less than 120 credited months: The monthly pension is calculated based on a reduced pension formula.

  5. A member whose membership date is on or after July 1, 2010 must have five years of credited service in the ASRS Plan before initiating a Service Purchase request. Active members who have a membership date prior to July 1, 2010 may request to purchase service at any time.

  6. paid contributions, his or her credited years of service (CYS), and the number of dependent children, which should not exceed five. The amount of monthly pension will be the highest result of the following formulae: 1. the sum of P300 plus 20 percent (20%) of the average monthly salary credit plus two percent (2%) of the average monthly salary

  7. Jun 20, 2019 · 1. The sum of P300, add 20% of your average monthly salary credit (AMSC), then add 2% for each credited year of service (CYS) in excess of ten years plus P1,000. P300 + (20% of your AMSC) + [2% of your AMSC x ER (CYS – 10)] + P1,000 *ER is the Employers contribution. This can be found in the updated SSS contribution table.

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