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  1. Nov 5, 2014 · View of San Bernardino Strait Image source: An hour travel from Biri town by boat, San Bernardino Island is located in the middle of the San Bernardino Strait. Just like many of the islands here, it may be difficult to dock depending on the weather.

  2. Mar 1, 2011 · The San Bernardino Strait in the Philippines has been identified as a potential tidal energy site, with current velocities reaching upto 4.5 m/s [18] near the southern tip of the Capul islands.

  3. サンベルナルジノ海峡(サンベルナルジノかいきょう、San Bernardino Strait)は、フィリピンのルソン島南端部とその南東方のサマール島との間を隔てる海峡。北緯12度35分15秒 東経124度11分48秒に位置する。付近には大小の島々の他浅瀬、暗礁などがある。

  4. Tidal Stream Power Development in San Bernardino Strait, Philippines Blandine Battaglia#1 #SABELLA 7, rue Félix Le Dantec – 29000 Quimper - FRANCE Abstract— San Bernardino Strait is a passage located in the Eastern Visayas, Philippines, well-known for the strength of its marine currents.

  5. Reformatted digitalSpecial Collections & Archives, UC San Diego, La Jolla, 92093-0175 ( U.S.C. & G.S. surveys to 1936Relief shown by contours and spot heights; depths shown by soundings and isolinesInset: Philippine Islands, northwest coast of Samar, Mauo River; Philippine Islands, north coast of Samar, Biri anchorage1st edition, No. 14220

  6. 0827: Five minutes after receiving a sighting of the Center Force, Admiral William F. Halsey orders three of TF 38’s task groups—2, 3, and 4—to concentrate off San Bernardino Strait and recalls TG 38.1, which is en route to Ulithi. 0833: The first of three raids by Japanese land-based planes against TG 38.3 begins.

  7. Mar 14, 2023 · Capul, an island municipality of Northern Samar, is a tiny village in San Bernardino Strait. The current name is coined and shortened from its previous name, Acapulco Island, to commemorate its importance during the Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade of 1600s.

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